Oh July already, this year has passed swiftly, particularly with the numerous appointments that have filled my schedule. For those who may be unfamiliar, I manage Cerebral Palsy, ADHD, BPD, and Fibromyalgia, among other health conditions. I am deeply appreciative of my Mum’s assistance in fulfilling the numerous orders we have received, but also always guiding me, also I must thank every customer for their continued support.
I try to write a new blog post every month, and I’ve been keeping up with this goal. It’s really exciting to see all the new ideas we’re coming up with at Animal Gifts and watch them turn into reality.
An example is our new clearance page where we sell end-of-line products and bargains. Keep looking, as it is ever-changing.
As well as ensuring that all items are in stock and ready for sale, it’s essential to highlight the arrival of our new products. We are continuously searching for items that will delight and satisfy our valued customers.
Whether it’s our new flamingos and geese or our strong-selling items like Roy Kirkham cups and saucers, plus Quail Ceramics we do aim to please so have a browse and remember our packaging from tape to nuggets is all ready for the recycling bin.

Check out this beautiful new face from Quail Ceramics!

Let’s work together to make a positive impact on the planet, even if it means making small changes one step at a time.
love always,
Milly xo